Artwork Guidelines

Accepted design file formats

To help as many people as possible, MOO accepts a range of different formats. These are:

  • PDF (Portable Document Format)
  • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
  • PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

These are the formats we would recommend:

  • For photography: high-resolution JPEGs (preferably un-compressed)
  • For Graphics or Text: print-ready, vector-based PDFs
  • For a mix of graphics and photography: print-ready PDFs

Design file formats

Graphics and text designs (basically, any non-photographic content) are best submitted as vector-based PDFs. This will ensure your lines and text are nice and crisp. If you upload JPEGs or PNGs, there may be some fuzziness around your text.

You should also make sure that there are no cut or crop lines, all transparencies have been flattened, overprint is switched off and any fonts used are embedded, before saving your designs. For best results, we recommend using the following preset to preflight your designs: Adobe PDF/X-1a:2001.

Photo file formats

You can upload photos in the same format you import them from your digital camera (normally JPEG). We do however accept the following file formats: JPEG, PNG, and PDF.

Please note: we do not accept RAW files.

Special Finish (Spot Gloss and Foils) file formats

For the design (ink) layer of your Special Finish Cards, we accept all file types (PDF, JPEG, PNG). 

For the element (Spot Gloss or Foils) layer of your Special Finish Cards, we accept only vector PDF files, saved in black and white. Within this file, it's advised that you use a CMYK value of 0/0/0/100 for the black parts which will denote the elements to print in Spot Gloss or Foil.

Artwork Setup Guides

NCR Forms

Without Numbering

With Numbering